Thursday, March 29, 2012

Since I've taken over as Poet Laureate, I have been so busy doing things for my position than actually writing my thoughts into poetry. I have been contacting local schools about coming into classrooms for National Poetry Month. I had my very first Evening Sun article to submit, which will me a monthly column. I had a list of questions to answer for Central PA Magazine, in which I will be featured in their April edition. A photo shoot at their Harrisburg office for the article was probably the LEAST favorite of my duties, so far. :)  I HATE getting my photo taken. On top of that I have been sick with some horrible flu for the past 5 days. But, I could no longer be stagnant, so I decided to finish a poem I had started and post it on here as my latest blog post.

As I stated in my column this month, I get inspired at the dumbest, most mundane things. This one was triggered by a word on a tag at Target, "Aquamarine". I think "aqua" is one of my favorite words. I love the "Q" sound and it brings to mind this tropical, tranquil paradise. An escape, if you will, from life in general. 

Allison Cline Saia

With one small step, I feel the water rush
into my eyes and fill my vision with kaleidoscopic droplets
that magnify and cloud all that is in front of me.

Deeper into the watery void beneath me
I breathe out of my nose and watch the bubbles around me
on their rise to the surface in a swift flight of frenzy.

Pictures pass in my mind of all that was before
Agony, suffering, emptiness, loneliness
Yet in the solitude of a sea foam grave, hope ascends.

With a renewed yearning to escape the blackness
And see the sun that I so often hide away from in fear of burning
I reach the surface and inhale the first breath of my rebirth

This poem's title was inspired by the color, the images that come to mind when I see the word "Aquamarine". But, the real inspiration for this selection is trying to find an escape. 

I suffer from depression. I have for quite a number of years. A lot of my poems come from that dark spot, that only people who have depression, can relate to. Sometimes I want an escape, both literally and figuratively. Water is so incredibly calming to me. When I feel that need to flee, I tend to gravitate to places with water or even just the sounds of water. I have a propensity for fountains. I have quite a few in and around my house. It brings me a sort of inner peace. In fact, a lot of my best thinking happens in the shower!! :)

While, I tried to use some figurative language to describe that dark place I sometimes find myself falling into, I also tried to throw in some positive energy and words. I find light and serenity even at my most tumultuous times. And that is the beauty of poetry. It can help you get out your innermost feelings, good and bad. It can help you make sense out of the seemingly senseless. Poetry, in itself, can be an escape. 

The next time you are feeling like life is too stressful, take a few minutes and write down your thoughts and your feelings. Send it to me, so I can post it on my blog and you can share your talent with others. 

Until next time.... :)


  1. My girlfriend is a natural blue head.
    A virgin, with a pierced labia.
    Not so much a dog walker, as a member of their pack.
    Pop rock & infinity pools.
    Goose stepping backwards; rewinding history's odometer.
    Selling it as new.

    -Marc Breed
    An Ohio Poet Laureate candidate
